Our Services include

Business Setup

Business Setup

We concentrate on performing exceptional procedures to make your business take off. We assist you in establishing the business plans that are necessary to nourish your development.

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Dun & Brad Street Rating

Dun & Brad Street Rating

This is a credit score that shows the traders, purchasers and collaborators, an illustration of a business’ creditworthiness. It performs as a stimulus in provoking attentiveness amidst current and prospective collaborators.

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In Country Value Program (ICV)

In Country Value Program (ICV)

It is a procedure to validate supplier or contractor ICV score by an autonomous pre authorized certifier who has to ensure authenticity and precision of data furnished by suppliers in terms of ICV contribution.

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Our Benefits

Why Choose Us?

In NAG Management Consultancy, our commitment is always to prioritize the best interests of our clients. With a wealth of experience in services such as Accounting, Management Consultancy, Business Consultancy, Tax and Compliances, Audit. We operate as a dedicated consulting, accounting and advisory firm.

Our team consists of passionate and skilled professionals, devoted to assisting clients in enhancing their businesses. We bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to guide clients through both challenges and successes, with a focus on helping them achieve their aspirations.

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